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Mostrar 580-599 de um total de 631 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
2022The price of cost-effectiveness thresholdsBrekke, Kurt R.; Dalen, Dag Morten; Straume, Odd RuneDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2011The real effects of financial stress in the Euro zoneMallick, Sushanta K.; Sousa, Ricardo M.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Mar-2013The role of the state in the development of accounting in the Portuguese-Brazilian Empire, 1750-1822Rodrigues, Lúcia Lima; Sangster, AlanDocumento de trabalhoAcesso restrito UMinho
Mar-2009The sources of interindustry wage differentialsFerreira, PriscilaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso restrito UMinho
Set-2001The state of Portuguese research in economics : an analysis based on publications in international journalsGuimarães, PauloDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Set-2011The temporal pattern and the overall effect of ozone exposure on pediatric respiratory morbidityBotelho, Anabela; Sá, Aida; Fraga, José, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso restrito UMinho
2022The welfare effects of group and personalized pricing in markets with multi-unit buyers with a decreasing disutility cost in consumptionEsteves, Rosa BrancaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2018The work preferences of Portuguese millennials - a survey of university studentsCarvalho, Ana; Silva, JoaquimDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2010The yield curve and the macro-economy across time and frequenciesConraria, Luís Aguiar; Martins, Manuel M. F.; Soares, M. J.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2015A theory on merger timing and announcement returnsPereira, Paulo J.; Rodrigues, ArturDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Set-2012Time and uncertainty in resource dilemmas : equilibrium solutions and experimental resultsBotelho, Anabela; Dinar, Ariel; Pinto, Lígia, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Set-2012Time and uncertainty in resource dilemmas : equilibrium solutions and experimental resultsBotelho, Anabela; Dinar, Ariel; Pinto, Lígia, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2019A time-frequency analysis of sovereign debt contagion in europeOjo,Mustapha Olalekan; Aguiar-Conraria, Luís; Soares, Maria JoanaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2017A time-frequency analysis of the Canadian macroeconomy and the yield curveOjo, Mustapha Olalekan; Aguiar-Conraria, Luís; Soares, M. J.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2010Time-varying expected returns : evidence from the U.S. and the U.KSousa, Ricardo M.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
1999The timing of inflation stabilization plansVeiga, Francisco JoséDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Mar-2003To standardize or not standardize international marketing : is it still a question?Soares, Ana Maria; Farhangmehr, Minoo; Shoham, AvivDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2022Tone of mass media news affect pledge amounts in reward crowdfunding campaignMendes-da-Silva, Wesley; Felipe, Israel José dos Santos; Leal, Cristiana Cerqueira, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2018Towards a survival capabilities framework: lessons from the Portuguese Textile and Clothing industryRezazadeh, Arash; Carvalho, AnaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Mai-2000A tractable approach to the firm location decision problemGuimarães, Paulo; Figueiredo, Octávio; Woodward, DouglasDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto