NIPE - Documentos de Trabalho : [414] Estatísticas

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Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 21-40 de um total de 414
2022The price of cost-effectiveness thresholdsBrekke, Kurt R.; Dalen, Dag Morten; Straume, Odd RuneDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Jul-2022High school and exam scores: Does their predictive validity for academic performance vary with programme selectivity?Silva, Pedro Luis; Sá, Carla Angélica da Silva Pinto de; Biscaia, Ricardo, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Mar-2022Competing with precision: incentives for developing predictive biomarker testsBrekke, Kurt R.; Dalen, Dag Morten; Straume, Odd RuneDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2022Tone of mass media news affect pledge amounts in reward crowdfunding campaignMendes-da-Silva, Wesley; Felipe, Israel José dos Santos; Leal, Cristiana Cerqueira, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Can data openness unlock competition when the incumbent has exclusive data access for personalized pricing?Esteves, Rosa Branca; Carballo-Cruz, FranciscoDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2022Personalized prices in a delivered pricing model with a price sensitive demandEsteves, Rosa Branca; Shuai, JieDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Interactions between Financial Constraints and Economic GrowthJerónimo, João; Azevedo, Assis; Neves, Pedro, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Monetarist arithmetic at COVID-19 time: a take on how not to misapply the quantity theory of moneyPinter, Julien Matthieu AlbertDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021The division of unexpected revenue shocksBastos, Paulo; Monteiro, Natália P.; Straume, Odd RuneDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Modelling time-varying volatility interactionsMartins, Susana Campos; Amado, CristinaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Set-2021Competition, quality and integrated health careBrekke, Kurt R.; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd RuneDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Reward crowdfunding campaigns: Time-to-success analysisFelipe, Israel; Mendes-da-Silva, Wesley; Leal, Cristiana Cerqueira, et al.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Avaliação dos incentivos financeiros às empresas em Portugal: QREN (2007-2013) e PT2020 (2014-2018)Alexandre, FernandoDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Can personalized pricing be a winning strategy in oligopolistic markets with heterogeneous demand customers? Yes, it canEsteves, Rosa BrancaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021The impact of securities regulation on the information environment around stock-financed acquisitionsLoureiro, Gilberto; Silva, SóniaDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Fev-2021How far is gas from becoming a global commodity?Aguiar-Conraria, Luís; Conceição, Gilmar; Soares, M. J.Documento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Access to data for personalized pricing: can it raise entry barriers and abuse of dominance concerns?Esteves, Rosa Branca; Carballo-Cruz, FranciscoDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Behavior-based price discrimination with non-uniform distribution of consumer preferencesEsteves, Rosa Branca; Liu, Qihong; Shuai, JieDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Investment and quality competition in healthcare marketsGhandour, Ziad; Siciliani, Luigi; Straume, Odd RuneDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
2021Does electronic government deter corruption? Evidence from across the worldMartins, João; Veiga, Linda Gonçalves; Fernandes, Bruno Emanuel PiresDocumento de trabalhoAcesso aberto
Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 21-40 de um total de 414