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Mostrar 143-162 de um total de 323 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
2016Introduction: The European Union's Strategic Partnerships: conceptual approaches, debates and experiencesFerreira-Pereira, Laura C.; Vieira, AlenaEditorial em revistaAcesso aberto
18-Jan-2014Invariance on a reading comprehension test in European Portuguese: a differential item functioning analysis between students from rural and urban areasCadime, Irene Maria Dias; Viana, Fernanda Leopoldina; Ribeiro, Iolanda da SilvaArtigoAcesso aberto
2020Iran's strategic culture: the 'revolutionary' and 'moderation' narratives on the ballistic missile programmeEslami, Mohammad; Vieira, AlenaArtigoAcesso aberto
2014ISO 9001 European Scoreboard: an instrument to measure macroqualitySampaio, Paulo; Saraiva, Pedro Manuel Tavares Lopes de Andrade; Gomes, Ana Catarina RibeiroArtigoAcesso aberto
20-Jul-2021ISO 9001:2015 and risk-based thinking: scientific research insightsMartins, Yasmin Silva; Sanches da Silva, Carlos Eduardo; Sampaio, Paulo, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Mai-2022ISO 9001:2015: the view from the conformity assessment communityFonseca, Luis; Domingues, José Pedro Teixeira; Novoa, Henriqueta, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2019Italy’s involvement in PSO: between self-interest and the logic of appropriatenessPinto Arena, Maria do CéuArtigoAcesso aberto
2020Itinerant curriculum theory in the making: Towards alternative ways to do alternative forms of teacher educationParaskeva, João M.; Moreira, Maria AlfredoCapítulo de livroAcesso restrito autor
22-Jan-2023Karitane parenting confidence scale: measuring parenting self-efficacy in Portuguese mothers during the first year postpartumPinto, Tiago Miguel; Costa, Raquel; Dias, Cláudia Alexandra Castro, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2021Key determinants of elite rivalry: theoretical insights and empirical evidenceSochirca, Elena; Veiga, Francisco JoséArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Ago-2021"Labor trafficking in Portugal: victims perceptions of formal support, post-victimization and impact"Fernandes, Ângela; Gonçalves, Mariana; Matos, MarleneArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Labour mobility in the Euroregion Galicia-Norte de Portugal: constraints faced by cross-border commutersPires, Iva; Nunes, FlávioArtigoAcesso aberto
Set-2012Language, experience and professional learning (what Walter Benjamin can teach us)Pereira, Íris Susana; Doecke, BrentonArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Leading change for teacher educationAl Barwani, Thuwayba; Flores, Maria Assunção; Imig, David, et al.Capítulo de livroAcesso restrito autor
2019Leading change in teacher education: lessons from countries and education leaders around the globe-LivroAcesso restrito autor
2012Learning difficulties : a portuguese perspective of a universal issueMartins, Ana Paula Loução; Correia, Luís de Miranda; Hallahan, Daniel P.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Leisure and positive psychology: Contributions to optimal human functioningFreire, TeresaArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
1-Jan-2023A “life of optimism” in curriculum, teaching, and teacher education: the legacy of Miriam Ben-PeretzCraig, Cheryl J.; Flores, Maria Assunção; Orland-Barak, LilyArtigoAcesso embargado (2 Anos)
2013Life skills in educational contexts: testing the effects of an intervention programGomes, António Rui; Marques, BrazelinaArtigoAcesso aberto
15-Out-2014Lifelong education and learning, societal project and competitive advantage: tensions and ambivalences in policy and planning of educational change in PortugalAntunes, Fátima; Guimarães, PaulaArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho